onsdag 25. april 2007

indie problems...

It is so easy to get tempted by the accessability to download software, and its potential content....I have downloaded a minimal amount of music, never been a torrenter or a spunch in any way regarding this. Last time I received some thing without asking, I used "Kazaa" (!). So there fore I'm on thick ice, when I burst out in frustration and I see my own music is "stealed" bytes by bytes from a server somewhere.... 500 downloads from ONE server! (oh, my problems would be small if all these "customers" where paying...)
I run a indie label and do all the administration myself, also the financial parts. I'm in debt here and there, as a result of recording and pressing the music, so it is pretty sad to see people getting the products from the label for free..........But what can one do? It is not 1975 anylonger.
I'm only in it for the music, and don't want to get rich by living like this, but I'm not eager to get my future creativity and releases strangled by money problems!
Any (re)views?